100 research outputs found

    Multivariate Diophantine equations with many solutions

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    We show that for each n-tuple of positive rational integers (a_1,..,a_n) there are sets of primes S of arbitrarily large cardinality s such that the solutions of the equation a_1x_1+...+a_nx_n=1 with the x_i all S-units are not contained in fewer than exp((4+o(1))s^{1/2}(log s)^{-1/2}) proper linear subspaces of C^n. This generalizes a result of Erdos, Stewart and Tijdeman for m=2 [Compositio 36 (1988), 37-56]. Furthermore we prove that for any algebraic number field K of degree n, any integer m with 1<=m<n, and any sufficiently large s there are integers b_0,...,b_m in a number field which are linearly independent over the rationals, and prime numbers p_1,...,p_s, such that the norm polynomial equation |N_{K/Q}(b_0+b_1x_1+...+b_mx_m)|=p_1^{z_1}...p_s^{z_s} has at least exp{(1+o(1)){n/m}s^{m/n}(log s)^{-1+m/n}) solutions in integers x_1,..,x_m,z_1,..,z_s. This generalizes a result of Moree and Stewart [Indag. Math. 1 (1990), 465-472]. Our main tool, also established in this paper, is an effective lower bound for the number of ideals in a number field K of norm <=X composed of prime ideals which lie outside a given finite set of prime ideals T and which have norm <=Y. This generalizes a result of Canfield, Erdos and Pomerance [J. Number Th. 17 (1983), 1-28], and of Moree and Stewart (see above).Comment: 29 page

    Representation of finite graphs as difference graphs of S-units, I

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    In part I of the present paper the following problem was investigated. Let G be a finite simple graph, and S be a finite set of primes. We say that G is representable with S if it is possible to attach rational numbers to the vertices of G such that the vertices v_1,v_2 are connected by an edge if and only if the difference of the attached values is an S-unit. In part I we gave several results concerning the representability of graphs in the above sense.In the present paper we extend the results from paper I to the algebraic number field case and make some of them effective. Besides we prove some new theorems: we prove that G is infinitely representable with S if and only if it has a degenerate representation with S, and we also deal with the representability with S of the union of two graphs of which at least one is finitely representable with S.p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }</style

    On conjectures and problems of Ruzsa concerning difference graphs of S-units

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    Given a finite nonempty set of primes S, we build a graph G\mathcal{G} with vertex set Q\mathbb{Q} by connecting x and y if the prime divisors of both the numerator and denominator of x-y are from S. In this paper we resolve two conjectures posed by Ruzsa concerning the possible sizes of induced nondegenerate cycles of G\mathcal{G}, and also a problem of Ruzsa concerning the existence of subgraphs of G\mathcal{G} which are not induced subgraphs.Comment: 15 page

    On unit equations and decomposable form equations

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    On the number of polynomials and integral elements of given discriminant

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    Decomposable form equations

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